
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Softening into allowing...

Softening into allowing...

Softening into allowing

I’ve been recognizing so many places, both in my physical body and my energetic/spiritual body, where I am tightening, holding on. I’ve been experiencing pain in my feet that I want to go away. I have co-workers who are difficult to work with that I judge, but it’s not nice to judge. My body isn’t where I want it to be and I feel shame, but I know that doesn’t help my body to feel safe to release.. I am in resistance to the feelings and emotions that are, in fact, in my body. I can put my hands over my eyes and pretend they aren’t there, or I can allow the feelings to be fully seen so they are able to move, dance around my body, and release. Maybe they just need to be allowed so they can alchemize.

I was raised to be kind, not to judge. I need to be Christ like and loving at all times. This has been a heavy weight for me, it has held me back.

I don’t want to go out and be mean and say unkind things, that’s not the solution. I do get to allow the feelings that are in my body to be there, especially the “ugly” ones that are not in alignment with who I truly am. The old saying, “The only way out is through” is correct here.

So today, I choose to allow myself the grace and space to notice what I am feeling without judgement. Allow myself to feel the pain in my ankle without judgement or needing it to change. Allow myself to notice the judgement and unkind thoughts about people at work without censoring or overriding it to be more kind and loving. It’s possible that this will allow those feelings to release so I can see what is underneath the them. I can look at where I am acting like they are, I can listen to the messages my body is giving me,

It’s possible this is yet another tool and portal to healing.

You in?

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,


There is nothing to seek...

There is nothing to seek...

Do you believe?

Do you believe?