
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Do you believe?

Do you believe?

Do you believe?

I watched The Passion of the Christ for the first time last night. I’m still processing how I feel; horrified, heartbroken, grateful- none of those words quite cover it.

I wrote earlier about my experience when I was meditating and realized that when Jesus said, “It is finished” He was referring not only to the crucifixion or his ministry or even the Atonement, but that in that moment every sin, heartache, trauma, pain, sickness we have ever or would ever feel was healed. Spiritually at least. While we may not heal from every illness or ailment, we may be called to live with certain “thorns of the flesh” as the Apostle John did, but I believe we can heal from every heartache, every pain from sin, every trauma we may have experienced in this life.

As I was thinking about this the song “Believe” by Josh Grobin came to mind.

Believe in what your heart is saying

Hear the melody that’s playing

There’s no time to waste

There’s so much to celebrate

Believe in what you feel inside

And give your dreams the wings to fly

You have everything you need

If you just believe

I will speak for myself when I say that I work on my healing, release, and then pick up the past like it’s an old, familiar friend. I have patterns of not being safe, people are unkind, I am not worthy, I am not valued. These are all beliefs and patterns that were healed on the cross, yet I pick them up over and over. This is not to shame myself (that is NOT Christ’s way), but to shine a light on a habit that I deserve to replace with faith and love.

I choose to believe that Christ sacrificed for me. With that choice I get to move on in my life and practice new patterns of power, clarity, worthiness, value, divinity. I choose to practice love; for myself and for those around me.

What about you; do you believe?

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,


Softening into allowing...

Softening into allowing...

Becoming child-like...

Becoming child-like...