
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

There is nothing to seek...

There is nothing to seek...

There is nothing to seek…

As I was meditating this morning, thinking about the previous night I had the clear thought; there is nothing to seek. I have not lost anything, I am not broken, I don’t need fixing. The Truth of who I AM is whole, healed, perfect. I don’t need to figure out how to eat or exercise or how to be more calm and present. My Divine Truth already is all of those things, I’ve just picked up- and unconsciously held onto- patterns that aren’t in alignment with that Truth. I have been taught that there is lack and fear and that God doesn’t have me, but that doesn’t mean any of that is true.

So, if I don’t need to seek or effort, or figure out how to heal, if I am already whole and perfect, then maybe all I need to do is soften and allow these old patterns (they’re not even mine- they’ve just been passed down from generation to generation like eye color and blood type) to fall away. Maybe letting go is more effort than I need to make. Maybe I can just practice relaxing, softening, trusting that God has me and I AM my Divine Truth. Maybe I can look for evidence not that I am broken and in need of repair, but that I AM already whole.

And if this is true for me (and it is), then it is true for you!

So today, that will be my focus. Relax, breathe, trust, repeat.

Will you join me in experiment to see what happens when we stop working, efforting, and figuring out how to heal?

Stay tuned, dear ones.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Softening into allowing...

Softening into allowing...