

though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: for thou art with me

Psalm 23:4


We all have mountains to climb…

today mine is finding the courage to start this blog. This has been on my heart for years, I’ve felt it was time to start for months, and I paid for the website a few weeks ago. And yet. The “impostor syndrome” is alive and well in me and I question who am I to write a blog? Who cares what I have to say? Still the nudge is persistent. So here I am, taking the leap, trusting there is a reason to move forward.

So welcome to Postcards From the Valley where I share my experience, strength, and hope. I’ve been in the trenches and while I may not know your personal journey, wherever you are I can empathize with feeling lost, alone, and sometimes drowning in pain. As Wesley from The Princess Bride so wisely put it, “Life is pain.”- AND it’s also joy. So let’s see if we can pack some of that into our lunches today.

Much Love,
