
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Becoming child-like...

Becoming child-like...

Becoming child-like…

I recently recognized that the pain in my knees was about inflexibility, however last night I gained even more clarity. Knees have a lot to do with how we are able to move forward physically and spiritually they have a lot to do with play, creativity, joy. As I put those together this morning I realized that so much of the pain was from the tension and anxiety to work on my healing the “right” way.

What if healing and evolving is meant to be joyful and fun? What if creativity was more important that doing it the way someone else does it? That doesn’t mean there may not be pain and tears at some points, but what if I came at this journey of my life in a more child-like way? As kids we just tried things and didn’t worry if they didn’t work out. We were mad scientists in a way- joyfully finding how things worked and didn’t get caught up in what as adults we label “failures”. I laugh a lot and find a lot of joy in life, however I have recognized a stiffening when it comes to healing, to becoming aware of gifts and abilities. I’ve found myself stressed as I try to learn calligraphy or practice watercolor painting and trying to make it look like someone else’s interpretation of it.

In short, I’ve taken the fun, the joy, the creativity and joyful experimentation of growth, learning, and evolving.

So, today I choose to breathe, soften, and relax into the moments. I choose to let go and be free with my learning, practice and growth.

You in?

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Do you believe?

Do you believe?

