
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃




Last night when I got home I found the bill for my property tax in my mailbox. While I was expecting this, I was surprised to see how much it had gone up in a year (welcome to Kansas City- haha). This triggered the old fear of lack around money. So this morning I was able to sit with it and tap on it(EFT Tapping- I’ll need to do a blog about it for those of you who aren’t familiar- it’s an amazing tool). I forget how powerful tapping can be to see the depth of a pattern (mine with money was definitely generational). I was able to see all the areas and ways I felt lack, I then was able to question if there was another way to be with money. May;be it didn’t want to be controlled or managed, but wanted to be a partner with me? Then I was able to uncover a new relationship with money. Money supports me. I am abundant in every area of my life. It led me to appreciation.

Not only does appreciation mean to feel gratitude for something, it refers to an increase in value. Money appreciates or increases in value. Love can appreciate or grow. What if I take the time to truly appreciate each and every paycheck I receive? What if I appreciate the ability to pay each and every bill? What if I appreciate every trigger I feel with money, recognizing it is a call for me to turn back to my Truth? My Truth that I am abundant, powerful, resourced, led. It is my birthright to thrive.

And so my friend, I am adding to my practice of gratitude. I am choosing to focus on appreciation in every area of my life. When I feel judged or not valued at work? I get to appreciate the opportunity to strengthen my love and value for myself. I get to remember to appreciate those around me who offer support.

You in?

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,


Becoming child-like...

Becoming child-like...

