
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃




We’re in the holiday season and it’s easy to get bogged down in hurrying and scurrying to find the right presents for those we love. We may not be eating the best, spreading ourselves too thin and find we’re grumpy and impatient just when grace is most needed. I’ve found myself there lately. Work is busy, we’re short staffed, people can show up as very unkind and I miss my home and my son. There is so much I can see that isn’t how I would like it. AND there is so much to be grateful for!

I don’t know about you, but it seems so easy for me to slip into complaining mode. As I complain about the one or two things that aren’t as I would like them I’m missing so many blessings and gifts around me! My warm, inviting home that I love. Being able to talk to my son back in Utah every week. Technology to get information and listen to uplifting content. Lights, electricity, running water, a toilet. There are so many things I take for granted that many others would love to have.

In the past I would sit in shame for being so ungrateful, but today I choose to feel appreciation for myself. I saw the pattern and am choosing something different. I am powerful and can change my focus and not allow myself to get distracted by the- squirrel!- seemingly negative things in my life that so many people would give anything for. I honor the part of me who believed that looking for the possible dangers would keep me safe and I choose to live more in gratitude, That doesn’t mean I can’t be aware of possible real dangers, I just don’t need to live there anymore.

Today I choose to focus on my Savior and the gift of His atoning sacrifice. I choose to focus on the many blessings and gifts God has so lovingly put in my life. I choose appreciation even for the challenges that come and see how they make me stronger.

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,




I can't EARN anything...

I can't EARN anything...