
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

I can't EARN anything...

I can't EARN anything...

I can’t EARN anything…

Once again, realizing how much I DO to try to earn respect, worthiness, appreciation. I run myself ragged, especially at work, thinking if I do enough I will finally feel wanted.

I can’t EARN being worthy, because I just AM. I can’t EARN being wanted, respected, worthy because those are all inside jobs. The last thing I want to do is place the way I feel about myself in anyone else’s hands. That, more than anything keeps me powerless.

So today, my friend, I am going to continue to shine the light on my thoughts. I get to listen to the judgements that come up; about myself as well as assumptions I have of others judging me. First of all, often they are not thinking what I assume they are thinking. Secondly, even if they are judging the crap out of me, that’s not my problem; it’s theirs.

Can I do better in a situation? Cool, I’ll lovingly see that and do better. If people assume something about me, I don’t have to defend myself. I can just keep doing my best and let the rest fall away. I will ask how I can best support myself in staying balanced in each moment rather than getting lost in trying to earn so I can drown out the voice that says I’m not worthy, wanted, or enough.

Okay, it’s simple and not easy. It will take lots of practice. I just so happen to have the perfect job to practice in!

You are worthy, loved, appreciated and more than enough. I see you, my friend.

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,

Jules ❤



Pump up the volume...

Pump up the volume...