
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Pump up the volume...

Pump up the volume...

Pump up the volume…

Well, this has been me lately. I’ve been slowly suffocating myself with my thoughts- ugh. I’ve felt so angry, so resentful, so unhappy here and I realized this morning that the volume on my thoughts has been turned up full blast to finally get my attention.

I had experiences in my childhood that left me feeling unsafe. I constantly scanned my environment to see where (not if) the next danger would come from. I assumed the worst intention with certain people, figuring that would protect me when (not if) they hurt me. In the process I have caused myself so much pain and heartache. Rather than shame myself for that and start the cycle again, I choose to see that I have done the best I could, and now that I see clearly I can make a different choice.

While I’m not exactly clear on what this new way of living looks like, I do know I get to question my thoughts to see if they’re really true. I get to re-frame the thoughts that are not true. I get to dig under the thoughts and be with the feelings that reside there so they can be healed. All of this will take a lot of courage. Choosing to humble myself feels terrifying, it feels very unsafe while my heart knows the truth is that humility is incredibly brave and gives me my power back.

This may be a winding road with lots of detours and some rough patches. I choose to give myself grace on this adventure towards remembering my Truth.

How about you? Do you have thoughts and beliefs that are causing you pain that you can free yourself from?

Stay tuned, dear one.

Much love,

Jules ❤

I can't EARN anything...

I can't EARN anything...

Hate, hate, hate...loathe entirely!

Hate, hate, hate...loathe entirely!