
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Protecting my energy...

Protecting my energy...


Protecting my energy…

I’ve felt so tired at the end of the night lately and recently realized that it may be that I am leaving myself too open to other people’s energy. I have a big, open heart; it’s what draws people to me, it’s a huge part of what makes me me. I am learning how to remain open and loving while protecting my energy. Here are some things that have come up for me the past couple of days.

Moving while meditating. I have started to do some gentle yoga poses to stretch and open my body as I meditate. This really helps encourage my body to release and old, stagnant energy as well as letting go of any energy that I may have picked up that isn’t mine. This has also helped my body not feel so tired and sore after a long 8 hour shift standing on cement.

Earthing. I have done this in the past and it has recently called to me again. I do so much meditating, it’s important for me to ground myself so I’m not floating around and more easily loose my energy. Earthing is being barefoot on the ground- grass, dirt, whatever you’ve got. You can stand, sit, or lie down. The Earthing Movie and Grounded (both on YouTube) are great references for the possible health benefits from simply connecting to Mother Earth.

Onyx. I have an onyx necklace that I wear from time to time that helps ground me. I have a very upward, light energy, so again, this is very important for me to stay balanced. I have found that I can only wear it until around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, if I wear it after that I’m unable to sleep that night.

Turning down the shutters. This is an energy technique I recently learned. Simply run your hand, palm side towards your body, down the front of your body. As you do this, imagine that you are simply turning down shutters (not closing them) so that light still comes in, but people aren’t able to see in. Sounds funny, but it does work. You can also imagine “no” in your energy field. Along these same lines it a technique called “the zip up” and is from Donna Eden’s energy work. With this, you simply run your hand up the middle of your body from your groin area up to your lips 3 times like you are zipping up a zipper. You can even “lock” the zipper at your lips like you’re turning a lock. If you are out in public and feel the need to zip your energy up, you can imagine yourself doing the movement and it works.

Are you feeling worn down and tired lately? There is a lot of energy moving around right now, a lot of things coming up for people and not everyone is processing their triggers. This can feel like chaos outside your body energetically as well as emotionally. If you’re feeling off or scrambled, these techniques may be supportive to you.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Being me...

Being me...

Slow down...

Slow down...