
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Slow down...

Slow down...


Slow down…

I recently found a “push” pattern in my body. The need to be to the next place fast, to eat fast, to hurry and get to the next whatever. As I sat with it I realized that this push energy isn’t mine, in fact it’s not natural for any of us. Nature takes it’s time, there is no rush, no hurry. Things grow, blossom, ripen when it’s time. The push, hurry, fast energy is man made and is contrary to our Spirits. When we get stuck in that energy things tend to take longer, mistakes are made, frustration and anger often arises.

As I am practicing nurturing myself by listening to and following my heart, I recognize the need to create breaths throughout the day. Just a deep, centering breath here and there to ground myself, reconnect to myself, recall any scattered energy, and return any energy I have accidentally picked up.

What can you do slowly today? Can you relish the time it takes to write a sentence, to drive to work, to lovingly be present as you make yourself some food? Can you find joy in taking your time? I’m in.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Protecting my energy...

Protecting my energy...

I am...

I am...