
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





In Numbers it talks about when the Israelites are bitten by fiery serpents and were dying. The Lord tells Moses to make a brass serpent and raise it up on a pole and if the people will only look at it they would live. In 1 Nephi it expands on this to say that many would not look because of the simpleness of the way. I find it interesting that in the moment God sends fiery serpents, He immediately sends a way for the people to be healed. I see the parallel in my life. Am I ignoring the brass serpents in my life and holding onto the serpents?

This morning I was struck with the possibility that I was being called to become more humble. While I get to work on my confidence, I can be obstinate and hard headed- it’s a family trait - ha. The path I’m called to is one where I need to be willing to submit my will to His at every turn. I get to learn to “lean into Him” as my friend said and until I do I will be choosing the pain of the bites from the serpents.

Maybe all of this is way easier than I have made it. He’s asking me to look at Him, to realize that as long as I have Him, He will take care of the rest. That is true surrender. That is the lesson for me, the challenge. Will I choose to lean in and surrender ALL to Him?

And you? Are you willing to look to and turn everything over to Him and live?

Much love,

Jules ❤



