
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃



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There are some things that you can only learn in a storm. - Joel Osteen

A couple spoke in church today about trials they have faced over the past year. The wife had some serious health challenges and spoke of the trials that came with it. It made me think of the past 13 or so years and the trials I faced. So many dark nights of the soul where I thought I would never see the light, never feel happiness let alone joy. I would climb a mountain, thinking I had found answers and solutions only to see that my path led back down the other side, through a valley and to another, bigger mountain.

This past week hasn’t been the biggest mountain I’ve faced, and it was so painful and in some ways familiar to the big ones a decade ago. Once again I felt betrayed, alone, helpless, hopeless. I questioned if I had made any progress at all or if I was back at the head of the trailhead yet again. The past several days have brought clarity, I have found reminders that I need to stay focused on Christ. I know he is willing and ready to take so much of the pain away when I am ready and willing to lay it down. I have seen my tendency to pick it back up and have asked trusted people to help remind me that that’s not what I want. Patterns can be difficult to break, I can’t break most of them on my own. Being willing to ask for help from Jesus, angels, and friends is imperative.

Is there something you have carried for long enough? Are you ready to surrender it to your Savior?

Much love,

Jules ❤



A new view...

A new view...