
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





I thought more about what I wrote yesterday and recognized the pattern to find the danger has kept me from feeling fully. I’m pretty good at feeling the pain and fear, during meditation I feel a lot of joy, however I can loose that feeling easily. I don’t always stop and feel the joy during the day, but often brush past it. Simply putting my hand on my heart and breathing into the feeling- whether it’s fear or love (in my experience all feelings are based on one of these two core feelings) can help me to fully appreciate what I’m feeling in the moment. Feeling the fear based emotions then letting them go as well as fully feeling the love based emotions and allowing them to stay will be so supportive to me.

So I found this heart on my walk yesterday, how fitting right?;

And today is day 101 of blogging- I did it! I think I’ll continue for fun and to document my journey to living more from my heart and allowing more flow.

Much love,

Jules ❤



