
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Looking for love...

Looking for love...


Janet Greeson wrote a book called, “It’s Not What You’re Eating, It’s What’s Eating You”. When I first heard this I was surprised. For most of my life I have searched for love, happiness, connection through food. My family was like most where we celebrated with food, we mourned with food, we cheered each other on and comforted each other with food. Feeling sad? Eat some chocolate Did well on something? Eat some chocolate. ha ha

The other day I needed to run to the store to get some butter. My son was hungry so we were walking around the deli to see what was available. What ended up be available for me was a single piece of white cake. After waffling for a bit I decided to throw out Maya's advice to do nothing when you don’t know what to do and I bought the cake, fully intending to share it with my son. That did not happen. The next day I was tired all day. Sugar, who is always my friend when I need a pick me up, quickly becomes my enemy after the “high” fades away. I didn’t sleep well, nor did I go to bed when I needed to.

As I sat with this, wondering why I do this to myself I realized that I was looking for love. I turn to food to feel good, not just because it tastes good, but because I want to feel something other than what I’m feeling in the moment. The truth is that love is not something we can look for, it just IS. Maybe I can be more open to feeling the love that is surrounding me in every moment rather than looking for a poor substitute.

So today I choose to love my body with nutritious food. I choose to love my body by turning off all electronics by 9 and be in bed by 10 (or before so I can meditate myself to sleep). I choose to nourish myself and be open to feeling the love that just IS and is surrounding me in every moment of every day.

What about you? Can you love yourself just a little better today?

Much love,

Jules ❤

It's totally possible...

It's totally possible...

and wove, twue wove...

and wove, twue wove...