
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Money is green energy...

Money is green energy...

bells canyon lake 2.jpg

Money is green energy…

I wrote a little about my realization that I was energetically holding onto money and letting that pattern go. I’ve heard money referred to as “green energy”. The old paradigm that there is a limited amount of money has shifted as money has become largely electronic. Not many people have all their money in cash under a mattress, it’s in a bank and they access it through cards and electronic transfers. Unfortunately many of us still have the energetic generational patterns of lack and scarcity in our bodies. I believe these energetic generational patterns are like eye and hair color, the are passed down from generation to generation until someone becomes aware enough to do the work to clear them.

So, how do you clear them? I’ve come at this from several angels. First I researched my family history. I found people who had been very wealthy, then lost it all. I found a slave ship captain (there had to have been shame around earning money that way). I found many successful business owners. Being aware of where the patterns with money may have come from gave me a place to focus and work on clearing energetically. This worked to a small extent, but what I have now learned is that our emotions and feelings drive our experience. Until I felt the wounds that created the money patterns of lack and scarcity, they would continue to show up in my life.

Now I sit with the feeling. There are times like the other day, where simply seeing the pattern and choosing to shift allows it to release. I chose to release my grip on money that week. When goggles that I had bought were lost, I breathed and realized I didn’t really need 3 pair of goggles. When I wasn’t sure how much was fair to contribute to riding in someone’s car, I chose to be generous and over pay rather than not pay enough. When I had to find a new hotel, I chose the individual cabin that was a little more expensive because I deserved to have a nice place to be alone. These were small things, and I can feel a difference in my body when I think about money. There are still patterns there that I will be ready to see and shift, and I’m grateful for what I am learning now.

What money patterns do you carry in your body? Are you ready to look at them, feel them, and release them?

Much love,

Jules ❤

and wove, twue wove...

and wove, twue wove...

There's nothing to do...

There's nothing to do...