
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

There's nothing to do...

There's nothing to do...

alaskan sunset.jpg

There’s nothing to do…

I have been on this “feel it to heal it” journey for several years, and yet there are times when I am feeling uncomfortable and I start to look for what I can do to help the feeling along. Maybe I can do some EFT or energy work or I can figure out a better eating plan or exercise plan, etc. I don’t necessarily want to avoid the feelings, I just want to get them moving. This is like trying to make yourself go to the bathroom. The more you try to force it, the worse it gets.

So what’s the plan? What I’m learning is that I get to surrender to the feeling. It’s coming up because it’s ready to be seen. I have stuffed down so many emotions for so long, it may take a bit- even days- for it to be fully seen and release. If it lingers it’s not because I’m “doing it wrong”, it’s because I haven’t seen all the lessons that are wrapped up in that feeling, that energy.

Recently I saw an old money pattern I still have. I never felt like I had “enough” money, like I was scraping by. I felt this from my dad when I was growing up, yet we never went without and we went on vacation every year. I have brought this into my adult life, and this weekend I saw this energy of holding onto money, this scarcity mindset. Now, I love a bargain, and I’m not interested in buying a bunch of “stuff”, and yet there are times that I can treat myself to an experience. There are times to go on vacation or eat out and not worry about the money because I know I have enough to cover it. This doesn’t mean I spend without any thought or buy tons of things, it just means leaning into experiencing life without fear, enjoying myself no matter the cost.

Do you have any lingering patterns or beliefs that are ready to be seen? Are you willing to sit with the pain and see all of it if it means freedom is on the other side?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Money is green energy...

Money is green energy...

Feel and release...

Feel and release...