
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Anti-resistance training...

Anti-resistance training...


Anti-resistance training…

I’ve been feeling frustrated, angry, tired lately and find myself turning to food rather than going to bed or meditating. As I sat with this I saw so much resistance and what I know about resistance is that it is the cause for suffering. Pain is part of life, and suffering comes from resistance to what is. The quicker I can accept what is, the faster my suffering subsides and I am able to see the steps I can take to feel better and work through the challenge.

Even writing this blog brought up so much resistance as I got more and more frustrated at trying not to cover the butterfly with the words on the picture- ha! I had to take a moment (or several) to breathe and center myself so I can write this from my heart.

Facing challenges is part of life, it’s what helps us to grow and see more clearly the truth of who we are. I look back on my life and see how the things I went through helped to shape the woman I am today. I see the incredible growth I have had. I can look at the past and feel guilty- and I’ve spent a lot of time doing that which has not benefited my life- or I can acknowledge that I was doing the best I could and recognize how difficult things were and see the progress I have made and the lessons I’ve learned. Acceptance doesn’t mean we recreate the same problems over and over again, in fact acceptance is the key to using the problems as stepping stones and not having to go through them again.

So once again I will work on my anti-resistance training. I will surrender to what is- all of it (even the people who seem to show up just to push my buttons) and lean into acceptance. As the Borg said, “Resistance is futile”- who knew they were so right?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Deep thoughts...

Deep thoughts...

Stick it to 'em...

Stick it to 'em...