
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Stick it to 'em...

Stick it to 'em...


Stick it to ‘em…

The sock. I was throwing my sock over to my dirty clothes pile and it hooked onto the handle on my desk. I couldn’t have walked over and hooked that on if I tried, but that toss was magical- ha!

Like the sock, this morning I was able to see how I want to “stick it to” some people in my life. I want to lose weight to show them how beautiful I am. I want to find an amazing man to show them that I’m desirable and lovable. I want to find success and earn lots of money to show that I’m worthy and important. I felt that harsh judgement for myself in these “goals”. What if I’m beautiful, desirable, lovable, worthy, important right now? What if my size and marital status and bank account have nothing to do with my worth?

I know this logically, yet I’m seeing those patterns are still in my body. This need to prove myself. Being the youngest and a girl in a very male dominated family left me believing I wasn’t quite as good. Being a person with energy that is light, bubbly, jovial hasn’t always been seen as an asset. There have been times I have been seen as childish rather than child like, not serious enough rather than light and jovial. These judgements of myself have hurt me, and have kept me from showing up authentically.

Today I wish all the people that I wanted to “stick it to” with my “success” healthy bodies, the loves of their lives, success, and stacks of money. Today I hold space for the fact that I have nothing to prove, I have nothing to earn, that I’m worthy and lovable and important just as I am right now.

You in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Anti-resistance training...

Anti-resistance training...

