
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃



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What if I just accepted everything? All of my past, everything that happened to me and that I did, every thought, action, and feeling? Can I hold space that I was doing the best I knew how?

I’ve often thought about people like Hitler and Bin Laden, people responsible for thousands and thousands of people’s deaths who seem like such bad people and wonder what made them that way. Is that kind of darkness in all of us, it’s just that most of us were blessed enough to be raised in families where we were loved and cultures that taught us to care for each other? If I can find even a speck of compassion for them, why is it so hard for me to find compassion for myself?

Today I choose radical acceptance. I choose to accept the people around me and the ways they support or annoy me. I choose to accept the challenge I’m facing with wanting to feed the part of me who feels tired, out of control and sad about my mom. I choose to accept my tendency to talk behind people’s backs. Maybe I can’t hold that full acceptance all the time, and maybe I can just loosen my grip just a little bit. It’s worth a shot.

You in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Stick it to 'em...

Stick it to 'em...

