
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Be happy...

Be happy...

be happy.jpg

Anger is a misunderstood emotion, at least I didn’t understand it for a very long time. I was taught it wasn’t right to be angry, I should be happy. Turn that frown upside down, smile, be agreeable. This led to many problems in my life, including depression. I believed I was a bad person because I could feel all this anger inside. It would come out as I yelled at my kids, was short tempered with other drivers. It led to so much judgement of others in order to “protect” me from my judgement of myself.

Now I know that anger is a secondary emotion. It warns me that I am ignoring a feeling. Sadness, fear, not being seen, etc. It’s a reminder that I need to do the work so I can feel all these sometimes uncomfortable feelings so I can show up as the kind, joyful woman that I am. This has helped me learn to love the anger, love the little girl inside who feels so helpless and angry sometimes, who has felt unseen by me as I have pushed the feelings down.

I have learned to sit with the anger, let myself rage in my mind, scream or hit a pillow if I’m in a safe place (maybe don’t do that at work or the library- ha). Eventually- and sometimes that has meant days- I will feel what is underneath it. I feel helpless, I feel sad, I feel unappreciated. As I cry out those deeper feelings I typically find a memory from my childhood where I felt that same emotion and I am able to sit with that little girl who felt so hurt. Once she is seen, the feelings, including the anger, will melt away and I feel lighter, more in alignment with my Divine Truth (who I really am).

This life is that we may have joy, and the path to true joy leads through the village of anger and pain. Feel fully so you can find the peace and joy that you are searching for.

Much love,

Jules ❤



I need help...

I need help...