
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

I need help...

I need help...

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I need help…

Some of the hardest words to say are “I need help”, for me at least. I grew up in a family where it was a sign of weakness if you asked for help. We were the helpers, not the helpees.

The truth is we are not meant to go through life all on our own. We often grow as we face challenges that seem to big for us so we can see the strength we really have inside and often times we need some help to make our way through “the valley and the shadow”. Whether that is asking God or the Universe for help or asking a friend, family member, or neighbor for help, for me this has been extremely difficult. Asking God for help has become easy, anyone else is still a bit painful, which means I get to do that more.

As I write this I realize that for me I don’t want to ask for help in part because I don’t think I’m worthy of being helped. I should be able to do it myself. I shouldn’t waste someone else’s time. I’m such a burden. These are the thoughts that keep me from asking for real help, these are the thoughts that have created situations where when I did ask for help it was given resentfully. I’m so grateful to recognize those patterns so they can fade.

Can you relate? Are you facing something that you could use some help with? If it seems impossible, start with asking God for help to ask for help then work your way to asking people around you. Maybe start small; can someone reach and get you a can off the top shelf at the grocery store? Can you ask for help holding a door? Let’s do it together. Let’s ask 3 people for help today. See what happens.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Be happy...

Be happy...

Saying goodbye...

Saying goodbye...