
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

This too shall pass....

This too shall pass....


I was thinking yesterday about the monarch butterfly. The process of un-becoming must be painful, and it’s the only way for it to evolve to it’s Highest Truth. Sometimes this process of un-becoming what we thought we were is painful, and like kidney stones the old patterns will pass, it just may be painful for a while.

This has been my experience the past several weeks, this sharp then dull pain. A longing to return to the Truth of who I am. A longing for Home, realizing that I am my Home.

These crocuses always inspire me. Every year they are the first flower to pop out of the ground, and every year they get buried in snow, and yet they not only survive, they thrive. I want to be more like these little flowers: strong, resilient, still giving after all the challenges.

I love the following quote by Pema Chödrön: "So even if the hot loneliness is there, and for 1.6 seconds we sit with that restlessness when yesterday we couldn't sit for even one, that's the journey of the warrior."

We are on that journey of the warrior, you and I. You may not think that you are, but if you’re here, reading this, you are a warrior in utero. We are in the process of becoming and sometimes that is painful. But, like a kidney stone, this too shall pass if we can sit in the hot loneliness for just one second more than we did yesterday. It will pass and we will be one step closer to spreading our wings in flight.

Much love,

Jules ❤

The only cure for pain is the pain.  - Rumi

The only cure for pain is the pain. - Rumi

