
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

When the body leads the mind will follow...

When the body leads the mind will follow...

bear bottoms only.jpg

First of all, would hope all customers using the restroom are doing so with bare bottoms - ha!

I watched a video years ago about body language affecting how you feel. They spoke about the “Wonder Woman” pose (standing feet hip width apart with your hands on your hips and chest high) and how holding this pose for 2 minutes will help you feel more confident. I’ve often thought about that and wondered how my body is leading my feelings. I don’t stand with the best posture with my back straight, shoulders down and back. I tend to let my gut hang out a little. I wonder, do these things affect my lack of confidence? More importantly, if I shift these things, will my confidence increase?

Well, I’m going to challenge myself to work on my posture and belly to see what happens. Are you in? Let’s see if we can become more confident and if we become more confident, let’s see what kind of magic could open up to us.

Much love,

Jules ❤



