
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃



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About a year and a half ago my furnace went out. I found out later that it was the original furnace- built in 1954 and installed when my home was built in 1956. It was time and I wasn’t surprised that it finally went out. What did surprise me was the calm I felt when I found out I needed a new HVAC system. They’re not cheap and at the time I had just stopped doing real estate, was working part time at Costco for $16/hour and substitute teaching for $15/hour. I was barely making ends meet and didn’t know how I would pay off the loan, but I knew I needed it and had faith that it would work out.

A couple months later I was offered a promotion to Freezer Driver- a full time position for $1 more an hour. A couple months after that I received another dollar raise. Within 6 months of that promotion I was promoted again to Front End Supervisor where I received a $9/hour raise. I recently received another $1/hour raise, not to mention the stimulus checks and a couple of tax refunds. That loan will be paid off 2 months early (I wanted to make sure that I didn’t have to pay any interest). There were moments when I wondered how I would get everything paid off in time, yet I never worried and God provided.

It makes me wonder what my life would look like if I applied that kind of faith in every area. My guess is it would be much more magical than it is. I would allow more miracles, I would receive bigger. So today, along with practicing my power posture, I get to practice faith. When worries, judgements, resistance, old stories come up, I choose to turn it over to God. That is how I will nourish myself today.

Does this resonate with you? Are you up for the challenge?

Much love,

Jules ❤



When the body leads the mind will follow...

When the body leads the mind will follow...