
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Let's clebrate...

Let's clebrate...

alaska tiny mushroom.jpg

Let’s celebrate…

On the journey of self discovery and growth it’s easy to get bogged down in the twists and turns or plot twists that take place along the way. We’re losing weight, meditating daily, focusing on our finances, etc, then we loose momentum. I feel that for me it’s because I’m so hard on myself and I lose sight of joy. That’s the whole reason for my journey and I dare say the main point of most any journey- to find more joy in our lives, so if we loose it along the way what’s the point?

What if finding joy in the journey is the key to reaching our goals? What if looking for and celebrating even the smallest victories is the secret to success? I magically saw this mushroom while on a hike in Alaska. It’s smaller than the size of my thumb nail, so the fact that it caught my attention is significant. And maybe, more than 2 years later, this is the reason. A reminder to look for and appreciate even the smallest evidences of forward movement. Facing the direction we intend to go is much more important that how far along we are on our journey.

So today I choose to celebrate. I choose to celebrate that I’m wearing a size smaller in pants even though I ate too much last night. I celebrate that I stood up for myself in a difficult situation, that I looked for support and did what has been scary and difficult for me in the past. I celebrate that I am feeling more confident in myself at work and at home. I celebrate that I feel more financially secure and even abundant. I celebrate that I’m starting to feel like I may be not only good enough, but worthy of good things. These are small victories that I am choosing to celebrate and appreciate in me. Today I nourish myself with grace and gratitude.

Are you with me? What big or small victories can you celebrate?

Much love,

Jules ❤



