
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





First of all, do you see the evil guy? That is a knot on my friend’s door jam. duh duh duh

So yesterday was an adventure. I wanted to play, but it was raining, so I decided to drive to Crystal Hot Springs. When I got there and it was packed (I have no fun in crowds), I drove home through a small town and stopped at a tea shop to buy some loose leaf tea (always wanted that). Later that night I went to a friend’s birthday party where we ended up playing murder in the dark with their teenage kids. Blinds were broken, a chair was crushed; it was epic. I laughed so hard and screamed so loud my throat is a little sore. I still feel the magic of playing like a kid. She’s still in here and she’s longing to be a bigger part of my life. To bring the spark of joy only she can bring.

I hope you had time to play yesterday and if not, I hope you make time today. Laugh at a joke, play a board game or build a fort with your kids. Let your hair down and pretend that you’re not a responsible adult and just let loose. I promise you’ll thank yourself for it.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Let's clebrate...

Let's clebrate...

