
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Standing tall...

Standing tall...


Standing tall…

Yesterday I nourished myself by taking a stand. I have been dealing with a difficult situation at work with someone I manage. I wanted to address the situation with him, but didn’t feel I would be supported by management until I spoke with the GM and got his support. It felt good to speak up for myself, and though I may have “kicked the hornet’s nest”, whatever happens I’m glad I did it.

My current job has afforded me the ability to really look to myself for validation. I haven’t felt supported or seen for my hard work, so I have learned to see myself. I know I am an asset to this company, one they most assuredly won’t have forever. I am taking the opportunities to learn and grow and really stand on my own two feet and stop looking for outside validation. It’s nice to hear compliments or appreciation, and I’m learning to need it less and less because I’m appreciating myself.

I appreciate that I am a kind hearted, supportive, hard working mom and employee and friend and daughter. I appreciate my light hearted humor, my ability to raise people up, and see the good in others. As I write this I am being filled and falling in love with myself. Are you in?

What are some things you appreciate about yourself?

Much love,
Jules ❤



Resistance is futile...

Resistance is futile...