
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Resistance is futile...

Resistance is futile...

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Resistance is futile…

Okay, I’m flying my geek flag with the Star Trek reference, but it’s true. For you cooler kids, in Star Trek there were beings called Borgs. They were a “one mind” community and when they tried to take someone over they would say, “Resistance is futile.” In their case it wasn’t always true, in reality it’s always a fact. And still I find myself in resistance.

As I have been with the feelings of frustration, anxiety, and feeling stuck in patterns I’ve recognized my old nemesis, resistance. I want to release the extra weight and feel healthier and more comfortable and confident in my body, and as I do this from a space of resistance I crave more treats. I want to do a good job at work and grow as a Supervisor and a human, and I feel frustrated with circumstances which keeps me in the old pattern of being a victim and not supported. I want to nourish my body, my mind, my soul, and when I feel judgement that I’m not “good” at it yet, I leave my body, mind, & soul malnourished. As I’m typing this I can see the resistance to the resistance- ha!

So, deep breath, I choose to accept the places I am in resistance to what is. I choose to love myself and find joy and have fun creating acceptance. Maybe that is the key, to find the fun and play in this journey, not take things so seriously.

Today I get to play with acceptance. Laugh with the pattern of resistance and perfectionism. Life is joyful, I choose to receive more joy today, regardless of any challenges that may show up.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Standing tall...

Standing tall...

Food for thought...

Food for thought...