
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Food for thought...

Food for thought...


Food for thought…

Okay, first of all, let’s address the dollop on the page. You all should know by now that I look for hearts and smiles in nature and food and this is one of my better finds. Just a healthy dollop of whipped cream on a pancake that (I swear) just happened on it’s own. A little “God wink” reminding me that magic is all around.

So, yesterday I wanted to nourish my body. I went to the gym and worked my muscles, but my focus was on food. Us Josephsons tend to eat fast. Correction, we tend to inhale our food. Not sure why, but it’s a family trait, one that I am ready to adjust. So yesterday I really wanted to focus on eating slowly, chewing my food, experiencing it, enjoying it. I was able to do that for breakfast. It was awkward and forced but I did it. The rest of the day I forgot. I feel a block there. A pattern looks to food to fill the hole I feel inside me, yet I don’t want to be present with it. I’m not a foodie, nor would I say I love food. I love the rush of eating, and am ready to replace that with really nourishing my body with whatever I choose to eat- even if it’s not “healthy”. Not sure what’s there, but I’m ready to sit with the question.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Resistance is futile...

Resistance is futile...

