
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Never enough...

Never enough...

alaskan musthrooms.jpg

Never enough…

This morning I am feeling sad. Feeling the old patterns of never being enough, being small and insignificant. Crying as I take deep breaths, say “I love you” and be with the feelings.

These are old patterns from my childhood. I could distract myself with happy music, or food, or a show, but that would neglect the little girl in me (I call her Little J) who feels small, insignificant, and never enough. I can bury the feelings, and they will come out. In anger, depression, addiction. Or I can be with the feelings, breathing into them, reminding myself that I am loved and safe to feel the pain.

If you had a 5 year old child come to you saying they feel sad, wouldn’t you sit with them and hug them and tell them it would be okay? Your inner child needs that same compassion. When they feel seen and heard the old coping mechanisms that you used as a child to survive pain or situations that felt too big for you fall away and you are able to show up in a more healthy loving way.

So today I’m allowing the feelings of not enough and insignificance be there. And just like that I’m feeling better.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Time for some zzz's...

Time for some zzz's...

