
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃



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Fun fact, I’m afraid of needles. Like, really afraid. This morning I went donated plasma for the first time (getting paid $150 for the first 2 times because I’ve had covid was a huge incentive) and I had a lot of fear come up. A LOT.

It was another time where I felt so, so scared and knew I needed to face the fear. So I bravely forged on and did my best to breathe. I had to get 2 sticks (my vein rolled on the first one), and I rode waves of panic over and over as I could feel the needle in my arm. It didn’t hurt, though it was uncomfortable at times. It was the knowledge of having a needle in my arm that freaked me out. So I breathed, told myself I was safe, that I was brave, that I was strong. I said, “I love you” over and over. And over. And it got better.

I’m going back again. I get to face this fear and heal this old wound, whatever it is, that made me so afraid.

Have you had something similar? Faced something that was terrifying to you, that felt so much bigger than you? If so, you know the rush of getting to the other side. If not, I dare you to face something today. Big or small, just show yourself that you are bigger than any old fear you may have.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Never enough...

Never enough...

