
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃



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Ever watch a child in nature or playing? They are fully present, there is nothing but right now. They find joy in the simple things and notice the marvels of this world.

As an adult I have lost some sight of this presence. They say that depression is looking at the past and anxiety is looking to the future. But now? There is usually nothing to figure out, overcome, or survive right now. And is it possible that if I focus on right now and leave the rest to God (other than taking inspired action) that He has the rest? If I, being imperfect, love my boys as much as I do no matter what they do, then how much could a loving Father love me? Love you? Is it possible that anything God does or gives or allows is actually FOR us? Is it possible these are opportunities to trust Him, lean on Him? Is it as simple as breathing into the now? Right here?

Is surrender that simple?

Much love,

Jules ❤



It is safe to feel...

It is safe to feel...