
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

It is safe to feel...

It is safe to feel...


It is safe to feel…

As I grappled with the stagnant energy last night and this morning the only relief I could find was to tell myself it is safe to feel… angry, shame, whatever was coming up. Looking back at my childhood I understand the need I had to protect myself from the anger. Anger had hurt me and shame had hurt me even more. So I shoved them down. With food, with exercise, with whatever would numb the feelings that had felt so dangerous when I was little. The feelings I didn’t have the capability of working through on my own.

As I feel I have learned to breath deeply into my stomach (thank you Kyle Cease for teaching me!). As I do this I imagine the old energy being bathed in light and given space to move around. This may take some time to release, and that’s okay. I will want to go back to numbing, and when I do I will tell myself, “I love you” and choose to stay in the feeling instead. I will choose to love and care for myself by resting when needed, playing when needed, meditating as much as I am able. And when it’s ready, the old energy, patterns, and beliefs will melt into me.

Are there feelings you are avoiding? Can you love them and love yourself enough to sit with them? We’ve got this.

Much love,

Jules ❤



Road to nowhere...

Road to nowhere...