
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Road to nowhere...

Road to nowhere...


Road to nowhere…

Trying to outrun feelings is like driving on a road to nowhere. Time passes, efforts are made, yet we’re still right where we started. Believe me, I’ve tried to outrun or eat or exercise my feelings away but in the end there they still are only I’m in more pain.

Sometimes is just takes more time sitting with the discomfort before the feelings really come up to be seen. The best thing to do is create a safe space for the feelings to come up. Think of a 5 year old scared and hurt child. Would you bully them to tell you what happened, or would you comfort them and allow them to open up as they feel comfortable? Our buried feelings often come from our childhood when we had to face something that was so much bigger than we were. Bigger than we knew how to handle. So now, it may take a moment for our bodies to release the trauma, to allow the stagnant energy to move and be seen.

Deep breaths and know that everything will be okay. You are safe in this moment, and the energy will come up when it’s ready.

Much love,

Jules ❤

It is safe to feel...

It is safe to feel...

Surrender some more...

Surrender some more...