
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Surrender some more...

Surrender some more...


Surrender some more…

As I was talking with someone the other night I realized another way of surrendering that I could work on. I’ve been so invested in how other see me. Do they like me? Do they support me? Do they value me? I often feel responsible for other people’s feelings; wanting them to be happy, not wanting them to feel bad. As I spoke with this person I realized another level of surrender is letting go of those patterns. Allowing people to like me or not, to support me or not, to feel whatever they choose to feel. I get to honor their choice and their right to choose.

It reminds me of the book The Tao of Poo by Benjamin Holt. In it he speaks of when a river comes along a rock it doesn’t get upset that the rock is there or wish it would move. The water simply acknowledges the rock, then goes around it. I get to be that water, acknowledging where people are and allowing them to be there. Surrender the need to be seen or heard or supported in a certain way.

This is my intention today. Are you in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Road to nowhere...

Road to nowhere...

Pardon the mess, we're expanding...

Pardon the mess, we're expanding...