
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Love notes...

Love notes...


Love notes…

I was inspired by a friend to write “I love you” on an entire page, over and over. This led to me deciding to write love notes to myself every week, just to see what happens. Today was the first day (how fitting) and I will continue every Sunday through May 16th.

This morning as I wrote “I love you” I began to feel my desire to be filled with the “pure love of Christ” grow. My desire to be a conduit of God’s love that is so strong that people can’t help but feel His love for them simply by being around me. This has been on my heart for years. As I wrote my love note I really felt the words, bringing tears to my eyes.

This is the beginning of a journey to learn how to truly love and cherish myself. Are you in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

We're in the ocean looking for the ocean...

We're in the ocean looking for the ocean...

Patterns are like the mafia...

Patterns are like the mafia...