
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





I just realized that I completely forgot to write yesterday and this morning. Rather than letting me get this down, I am choosing to tell myself I love me and move on.

Forgiveness can be tricky. From a young age I was almost shamed for not forgiving which led me to shove my feelings down so I wouldn’t “hurt” anyone else with them. ha! Now I know that before I can truly forgive anyone, especially myself, I get to feel the feelings first. The more I do this, the quicker this process is, but when I first started it has h-a-r-d! There are still times when the pain feels too much to bear and that it will last for-e-ver (cue The Sandlot). Sometimes I can lean in and it passes quickly, other times I have to carry it around like a soggy blanket until it’s ready to dissolve, but the good news is it always melts away. My favorite quote in scriptures is “it came to pass” because it reminds me it never came to stay.

Forgiveness is sometimes seen as being okay with a person’s poor behavior, condoning it. What I’ve found is that forgiveness isn’t something I give to someone else, it’s a gift I give to myself. A gift that allows me to stop carrying around the event or the pain or the pattern. I love how Carol Tuttle puts it. She says that forgiveness is “for-giving (the person) back the energy that they need to account for and releasing yourself from that old story that hurt you.” I love that.

So, who can you forgive today? Did you not keep a commitment? Did someone betray you? Are you ready to free yourself?

Deep breaths, you can do this.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Patterns are like the mafia...

Patterns are like the mafia...

That's a lotta bull...

That's a lotta bull...