
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

That's a lotta bull...

That's a lotta bull...


That’s a lotta bull…

Have you been there? You’re worried about something and start to tell all sorts of stories about how it could go wrong, how the person won’t hear you or the situation won’t be taken care of? That was me this morning. I had an account I had been working on getting cancelled for over a month and they charged me again. I built up all these stories in my head that they weren’t going to cancel the account and I would have to fight to get it taken care of and I was feeling so much anxiety. And yes, this was the exact situation I chose to allow God to take care of just 2 days ago. 🙄 Bless my heart.

So before calling I meditated for a bit, listening to the fears and stories I was telling myself like I was listening to a panicked 5 year old. I took deep breaths and when I felt more calm I called and it was taken care of in a matter of minutes. ha!

So my tips for when you’re knee deep in some bull s-tories. Take some deep breaths and listen to your inner 5 year old have a tantrum. Love yourself as you feel the old story of rejection, manipulation, being lied to and breathe. If you are worried about several things or feel you have a long “to-do” list, take a moment and write everything down. This allows my brain to relax, knowing I won’t forget something because I’ve made a list.

Oh, I love this journey of learning and growth. I may not be miles ahead, but I’m headed in the right direction and that’s the most important thing. I bet you are, too, my friend.

Much love,

Jules ❤



