
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





Sometimes we get stuck in a pattern of feeling the dark, heavy feelings or telling the painful story in an effort to avoid moving forward. It’s so important to fully feel our feelings then there comes a point where you get to hand the over to God and choose to shift. Choose to receive healing, joy, freedom.

I choose to surrender the old stories of trauma & victimhood and release the patterns that I have held onto to keep these stories of pain alive. I choose to receive insight, guidance, joy light ad choose to expand y capacity to receive more and more. I recognize as I increase my capacity to receive I increase the resources available to everyone else.

Every year rather than setting goals I choose a word to focus on. I pray about it and feel what God wants for me. This year it was clear the word was surrender. One of my favorite definitions of surrender was given by Kyle Cease. Stuck + open. I love it and it’s so true. Another is in military terms; to lay down your weapons. I love this definition because I see the patterns I hold onto in an effort to keep a story alive (believing I am protecting myself) as weapons. The hurt me, they define how I show up and usually end up hurting others. This year I choose to see the truth and surrender what is ready to be surrendered. Are you with me?

What story of pattern is ready to be surrendered?

Much love,

Jules ❤


the picture is something I made that includes a line from a favorite poem of mine titled “She Let Go” by Sapphire Rose

Embracing the darkness...

Embracing the darkness...

 It is finished.

It is finished.