
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

 It is finished.

It is finished.


It is finished.

John 19:30

A couple of months ago I was meditating on some pain I was experiencing. I had developed plantar fascitis in my left heel and it was really painful for me to walk. As I sat with the pain and prayed for insight and relief my answer was quick and clear: It is finished. As I sat with that I thought of Jesus on the cross saying, “It is finished.” before he “gave up the ghost” (see John 19:30). I always thought that referred to the crucifixion, or even the atonement, but I realized in that moment that it referred to everything.

In Alma 7:11 it reminds us, “And He shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith He will take upon Him the pains and the sickness of His people.” Through the power of Christ’s atonement He took on every painful thing we may face. If that is the case then in that moment we were healed completely and fully, long before we ever even faced the challenges that would come to us in this life.

In that moment I realized that, rather than asking for healing, I would benefit from asking for my body to accept the healing that had already taken place and/or the strength and courage I may need until the time was correct for my body to receive it fully.

Now this doesn’t mean everyone gets to receive that healing in this life or when it’s most convenient for them (😒). The truth is that God loves us too much to cheat us out of experiences that will help us grow. Some may receive complete healing immediately, some may take weeks, months, even years, and some won’t receive it until the next life. A favorite song of mine is “Blessings” by Laura Story. The verse goes, ““Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops, what if your healing come through tears, what if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near. What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disquise.” I first heard that song during a period of “a thousand sleepless (and tear filled) nights and it gave me peace to know that maybe there was a reason for what I was experiencing, it wasn’t all for nothing.

Wherever you are; if you’re recovering from addictive behavior or habits you wish you could break or are experiencing emotional, spiritual, or physical pain, I offer you this truth: It is finished. Whether you have a season and opportunity for growth or the peace of relief, please know that your Savior is by your side. He felt exactly what you are going through, He took that on for you, and He can provide the strength and comfort you are needing in this moment.

For those of you who may wonder about my heel, it still hurts. I have found excersizes, stretches, and pressure pints that are helping it, however full relief hasn’t come yet. I still have something to learn.😊

Much love,




Learning to trust.

Learning to trust.