
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Embracing the darkness...

Embracing the darkness...

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Embracing the darkness…

As I have leaned into meditation I have learned to love the darkness within me. Those parts of me that are in resistance, the parts that have been hurt in the past; those are the parts of me that are so in need of love. When I meet this darkness with resistance, wanting it to go away, it digs in. Think of a 2 year old that thinks that if they put their hands over their eyes you can’t see them. Resistance to what is only makes that darkness stronger. When I am able to meet that pain and darkness with love and compassion and acceptance, it allows the pain to be seen. When I am in a space of loving that pain, listening to my body and the little hurt girl within, the patterns, beliefs, pain begins to melt away. Sometimes it takes days, sometimes it takes a few minutes. I’ve learned to surrender to the process, knowing that healing is coming and everything is being worked out.

Next time you feel the darkness coming, can you sit and breathe into the pain? Some things that are helpful is to state what I’m feeling. Let go of the story of why, just simpy state what I’m feeling. I feel anxious, sad, angry. Next, I see where in my body I am feeling that. I feel anxiety in my heart, I feel angry in my stomach. Then I breathe into that feeling and the part of my body it is in. Sometimes I remember events that trigger the feeling and I start to cry that story out, sometimes I just cry without knowing why. As I allow the process I feel lighter and seen.

Are you up for the challenge?

Much love,

Jules ❤



