
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Iceberg ahead!

Iceberg ahead!

alaska glacier blue.jpg

Iceberg ahead!

I’ve been meditating for a while now and I thought I “had it down”. Lately I’ve felt blocked. Shame and the need to achieve so I have worth have been coming up big time and no matter how long I sit with them I can’t seem to connect. The more I chase the belief that my worth is determined by my weight, clothing size, bank account, job title (I am stepping away from a career as a Realtor and letting that title go is honestly throwing me), etc. the more slippery they seem and I can’t quite grasp them. I can’t seem to feel after them if that makes sense. Have you ever been there?

As I chose to love the lost, somewhat numb feelings I felt the need to connect to it loosen up just a bit and was better able to connect to an emptiness I felt. At times it has felt like a giant black hole, sucking everything into it. Now that it’s quieter, I get to be more still to connect with it.

The reality is this is an old, old belief and I may get to walk around with it for a bit, just loving and allowing it. I’ve resisted and denied this for so long; acting over confident, judging others who seemed selfish or overly cocky, pushing people away so they won’t see the giant gaping hole inside me. I have pushed down the emptiness with TV and tried to fill it with food. I get to love it all and allow it to be there. I know as I do this that it will melt away when it’s ready.

There are times when heavy, difficult things come up for us. A child or loved one is having a hard time, financial stress, changes in career. These will come, and I believe we can find peace by trusting in God, the Universe, or Whoever your Higher Power is. I also believe that it’s most important to play during these stressful times. So today I want to give you the challenge of laughter. Find something to laugh at, a movie or TV show, or better yet get with a friend and laugh. You in? I double dog dare ya!

Much love,


Learning to trust.

Learning to trust.

I'm seeing spots!

I'm seeing spots!