
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

I'm seeing spots!

I'm seeing spots!


I’m seeing spots!

I have a friend who says, “If you spot it, you’ve got it”, meaning if someone triggers you, it’s because you have that same trait (I know, barf!). For a while I would come across situations and think that it didn’t apply to that, but soon enough, reality would hit me.

For instance, I have a co-worker who feels the need to tell everyone how to do their job and if we’re working and chatting tells us we’re not working hard enough. I feel annoyed at being spoken to as if I don’t know what I’m doing. At first I thought that wasn’t a reflection of myself, until I realized that I give my kids unsolicited advice, treating them like they aren’t capable of taking care of themselves, like they don’t know what they’re doing. It’s a judgement of their capabilities and they feel it. Worse, I don’t always do exactly what I ask them to do (“Hello kettle, I’m the pot.”).

My dog is even teaching me! He is so uptight. On walks he is constantly pulling on the leash and if a dog walks by he will loose his mind. I get so frustrated, yet when I look closer I can see my reflection. I see the frightened, hurt little girl inside me who is constantly on the lookout for people and situations that may hurt her., expecting the worst to happen because in the past it did.

This doesn’t seem helpful, but it really is! Seeing myself in my coworker, I can empathize with how I must make my kids feel and decide to change my actions. It also gives me the power to change the situation. When I recognize my reflection, I am able to love and accept that disowned part of myself and suddenly the co-worker doesn’t bother me as much. I can sit and love/see/hear that scared little girl.

In the past I would connect with friends by complaining about people or situations in our lives that we judged as wrong. I still fall into this trap (it’s a trap because there’s no solution as long as I give all my power to someone else), however I am more aware and practicing having more charity when it comes to me and others.

One way to get to the clear reflection of what is going on with myself is to ask (inner guidance, Universe, God, however you refer to your Higher Power) to see the situation in love. What may be going on with the other person? Is it possible they are being short because they are hurting or judgmental because they really just need to be loved? Once I feel what is possibly going on with them I can then turn inward and see where I may be feeling hurt, unloved, unseen and choose to fill that need in myself.

So here is your challenge today.; go swing on a swing. So often we judge others because we feel like we have to get it “right”. We try to control other people and situations because we feel out of control. So today I want you to feel the joy of being a bit out of control as you swing on a swing. I’ve been wanting to swing lately, and today is the day I commit to make that happen. You in? I double dog dare you!

Much love,


Iceberg ahead!

Iceberg ahead!

Love is the answer...

Love is the answer...