
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃




As I sat in church today I thought about what I was feeling. Gratitude came up and I realized how truly grateful I feel for living in these crazy times. Pandemics, masks, vaccinations, war; they have helped me create a deeper, closer friendship with my Savior. They have led to more fully trusting in God’s love for me and His plan. I have been able to surrender my wants to Them, I have been able to listen and be led to do things to prepare me and my family for the future. I have been able to see, love, and heal wounds that I have hidden from myself for most of my life. Without these outer turmoils, without the challenges I have had at work, I would never have been able to come to where I am today. I am deeply grateful for the chaos and uncertainty in my life right now. I am humbled that I have been deemed strong enough to be called to face challenges that often overwhelmed me, yet I came out the other side stronger.

There is a lot of fear in the world right now. People feel fear of the future, of the unknown. I went for a hike recently where I crossed this suspension bridge. I was confident walking up to it, it wasn’t very long, I could do it. As I stepped on and looked at the cable near me and saw it bouncing, I realized this was going to take some grit. As I slowly made my way, telling myself it was okay the entire bridge started to bounce at each step. I heard the wood creak and my mind knew the plank was going to split and I was going to fall to my death. (haha) I kept my eyes focused on the dirt on the other side of the bridge. Solid ground, that was my destination. Slowly I made it to the other side and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

This is the answer to overwhelming fear. Where is our focus? On the media? On the rumors? On the fear? Or is our focus on gratitude, on our Savior, on the beauty around us? I choose the latter. I choose it because it offers me strength, comfort, guidance, and joy, even amidst the chaos.

Please know, dear friend, that whatever trials you are facing, whatever fears are coming up for you, that your Savior is by your side. There were dark times where I doubted this, and today I know without a doubt that all the times I felt breathtakingly alone, He was by my side every moment. Be aware of what you are choosing today.

Sending you so much love,




Feelings, nothing more than feelings...

Feelings, nothing more than feelings...