
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Feelings, nothing more than feelings...

Feelings, nothing more than feelings...



nothing more than feelings…

I’ve started reading “The Untethered Soul” by Michael A Singer and in it he talks about the narrative in our head that is constantly happening. I’ve noticed it for years, the constant chatter. I’ve wanted to change the way I pray to being less “talking” and more just feeling with my Father. I’m still working on it.

As I meditated this morning I had some insight as to why I’ve had this desire. When we’re feeling our feelings and get caught up in the “why” or the story, it distracts us and takes us away- even a little- from really feeling whatever is there. If my goal is freedom and living an open and loving life, then I get to lean into my feelings, not water them down. But how do we change a habit that has been with us for so long that most of us don’t realize we’re doing it?

I’m starting with my prayers. I’m breathing deeply and opening my heart, feeling like my Father and my Savior are in the room with me, that I’m feeling whatever comes up with them. I’m praying for my food? I’m feeling appreciation and love for the food, for the nutrients, for those who took part in bringing it to my table. My meditations are basically prayer, so I’m upset about a situation? Rather than explaining why (They know what happened AND that isn’t really relevant, just how I feel about it) I am practicing sitting with the FEELINGS without narrative, without explanation. It’s REALLY challenging, and I’m practicing. I’m noticing how often the voice sneaks in, take a breath, and feel again. Putting my hand on my heart helps. I forget, then I come back. I’m giving myself a lot of grace as I practice this new way of being.

Are you in? Can we practice together being more in out feelings rather than the narrative?

Much love,




What is real...

What is real...