
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Individual paths...

Individual paths...

bells canyon trail.jpg

Individual paths…

Each of us are on our own unique journeys, therefore our paths look vastly different. Throughout my life I have listened to different speakers and read different books which have led me here. At the moment they were exactly what I needed on my journey, then there came a time when I was ready for something new. I evolved and my pathway changed- not because I was better than them, but because my needs shifted.

Years ago I realized I had curly hair. It took a lot of work to find the correct products, tools, and techniques that were right for my hair to coax the curls to show up. It’s the same with our lives. There are so many ways to live our lives. Different ways to eat, exercise, meditate, etc. The trick is to find what is best for you. Big leaps, pushing energy, massive changes generally don’t work for me. Goals tend to get me stuck and stressed about being perfect. Gentle, small changes, giving myself grace to not do it perfectly, having a general direction I’m heading toward usually work best for me. When I am clear about a big leap, I will take it, those times have been few and far between. Gentle flow rather than rigid rules support me.

How about you? Do you thrive in a clear, rule based life, or is your movement subtle? There are no “right” answers, just different ways to encourage your growth.

Much love,

Jules ❤

I am...

I am...

