
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃





I started watching The Chosen series, a show about the life of Jesus and it is such perfect timing. What is happening on it is so parallel to where I am in my life right now and I keep writing down things they are saying because they are so powerful.

One quote is, “I was something else once, too. Once you have met the Messiah, AM is all that matters.” Releasing the past and be-ing my truth is all that matters. My Savior can take me as I am, a sinner who has forgotten not only who I am, but Whose I am, and make something incredible. He can re-align me with my Truth. He can heal me and my boys. He can provide every needful thing, just as He did with Simon when He filled their nets and two boats to overflowing with fish after an entire night of not catching anything. I doubt so much, and yet He is here with me, patiently waiting for me to choose to receive.

AM is all that matters. All that I once was is gone, the past doesn’t exist. Only this moment is real- the “eternal now”. So all I get to do is choose who I am right now.

I have been chosen by the Master, and you have too. He loves each and every one of us more than we can comprehend.

Much love,

Jules ❤

Choosing the light...

Choosing the light...

