
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Letting go...

Letting go...


Letting go…

I started reading Letting Go by Guy Finley and in the beginning he talks about the main thing that holds us back from letting go, letting ourselves out of the cages we have kept ourselves in. Leaving behind the pain and heaviness of the old story is difficult because it’s what we know. It may not be what we want, but we know how to survive there. A new story is full of the unknown. We have no way of knowing what may lie around the corner.

I have come such a long way, and as I read this I could see that I have held onto just enough patterns, just enough of the old energy to keep me safely in the known. I have taken leaps, I have stretched myself, and I have stayed just safe enough.

So how will I let go? I honestly don’t have a clue. I have prayed for God’s and Jesus’ help. I know I can’t do it without Them. I will continue to read the book in hopes that answers some questions. I will continue to meditate and pray and stay open to being open to being open.

What if as good as this life is, God has better for me? What if I can’t step into that amazing life with any of the old baggage? I’m ready to find out what lies around the corner. Are you in?

Much love,

Jules ❤

Feel and release...

Feel and release...

Feeling fully...

Feeling fully...