
Hi and welcome to my blog where I talk about my journey of self discovery and finding joy along the way.

It’s time for recess, you ready to play?😃

Learning to receive...

Learning to receive...

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Learning to receive…

After yesterday and feeling so depleted, as I meditated I was focused on how to fill myself up. The answer was simple, I needed to learn to receive. I have been so focused on giving to my mom lately and making sure my boys are alright and that my team at work are feeling appreciated, I’ve ended up on empty. I have been meditating, but not exercising. I’ve been worried and not sleeping or eating as well as I deserve to (although I have been better about that the past couple of days).

I grew up with the idea that, especially as a woman/mother/wife, you give to others. Giving to yourself was considered selfish. I later learned that you can’t give from an empty cup, but when a crisis is happening I tend to revert back to the give give give pattern. As I meditated I remembered that as I receive abundantly it creates an overflow that I can then share with others easily. This is where I get to be, giving from my abundant overflow because I am so masterfully receiving.

Today I start a 4 day online meditation retreat, I’m so excited. I get to receive and fill myself to overflowing for 4 days, then I get to learn how to receive like that on a daily basis.

Are you depleted? Are you a master giver or a master receiver with an abundant overflow?

Much love,

Jules ❤

receive to overflowing



